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Pixel In Cm Umrechnen

Pixel to Centimeter Converter: Convert Pixels to CM, MM, Inch, DPI Easily

Pixel to Centimeter Converter: Convert Pixels to CM, MM, Inch, DPI

Convert Pixels to Centimeters, Millimeters, Inches, and DPI Instantly

Ever wondered about the actual size of a pixel? Or how to convert pixels to centimeters, millimeters, inches, or DPI? Our free online pixel converter is here to save the day! Simply enter the pixel value and choose the desired unit, and we'll do the calculations for you.

Pixel Conversions Made Easy

Whether you're a graphic designer, photographer, or web developer, understanding pixel conversions is crucial. Our converter eliminates the guesswork, providing precise conversions for all your needs:

  • Pixel to Centimeter (px to cm)
  • Pixel to Millimeter (px to mm)
  • Pixel to Inch (px to in)
  • Pixel to Dots Per Inch (px to DPI)

How to Use the Pixel Converter

Using our pixel converter is as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Enter the pixel value you want to convert.
  2. Select the desired unit from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click the "Convert" button.

And voilà! The converter will instantly display the converted value, accurate to several decimal places.

Why Convert Pixels?

Pixel conversions are essential for various reasons, including:

  • Printing: Convert pixels to centimeters or inches to determine the physical size of printed images.
  • Web Design: Convert pixels to centimeters or millimeters to ensure website elements are correctly scaled.
  • Image Editing: Convert pixels to DPI to adjust image resolution for optimal display on screens or in print.

Accuracy and Reliability

Our pixel converter is designed to provide highly accurate and reliable conversions. We use precise mathematical formulas to ensure that the results are as close to the real-world measurements as possible.

Convenience and Accessibility

Our pixel converter is available online, making it accessible from any device with an internet connection. No software downloads or installations are required. Simply visit our website and start converting pixels to centimeters, millimeters, inches, or DPI instantly.


Whether you need to convert pixels to cm for printing, or pixels to DPI for image editing, our free online pixel converter has got you covered. With its ease of use, accuracy, and convenience, you can confidently convert pixels to the desired unit with just a few clicks.
