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Denmark European Union


Denmark's Membership in the European Union

Historical and Current Issues

Denmark has been a member of the European Union (EU) since 1973. However, Denmark has a long and complicated relationship with the EU, marked by periods of both cooperation and conflict.

Denmark's membership in the EU has been a source of debate and controversy within the country. Some Danes believe that Denmark should be more actively engaged in the EU and work to shape its future, while others believe that Denmark should defend its autonomy and focus on protecting its national interests.

Permanent Representation to the EU

Denmark maintains a permanent representation to the EU in Brussels. This representation is responsible for representing Denmark's interests in the EU institutions and for communicating Denmark's views on EU policies.

General EU Posture

Denmark's general EU posture is reactive and defensive. Denmark is more focused on defending its autonomy than on influencing the future of the EU. This posture is reflected in Denmark's frequent use of opt-outs from EU policies and its reluctance to transfer power to the EU.

