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On Lui Doit De Largent Mots Fleches

On Lui Doit De L'argent Mots Fléchés

Meaning and Definition

The crossword clue "On Lui Doit De L'argent" translates to "We owe him money" in English. It is a common clue found in French crossword puzzles.

The Answer to the Crossword Clue

The most common answer to this clue is "CRÉANCIER", which means "creditor" in English. A creditor is a person or organization to whom money is owed.

Other Possible Answers

There are a few other possible answers to this clue, including:

  • PRÊTEUR (lender)
  • BANQUIER (banker)
  • USURIER (loan shark)

Tips for Solving Crossword Clues

Here are a few tips for solving crossword clues:

  • Read the clue carefully and try to understand its meaning.
  • Look for keywords that can help you identify the answer, such as "money" or "owe".
  • Think about different words or phrases that could fit the clue.
  • Try to fill in the crossword grid with the letters you know, which can help you guess the remaining letters.


The crossword clue "On Lui Doit De L'argent" is a common clue that can be found in French crossword puzzles. The most common answer to this clue is "CRÉANCIER", which means "creditor" in English. Other possible answers include "PRÊTEUR", "BANQUIER", and "USURIER". By following the tips above, you can improve your chances of solving crossword clues like this one.

On Lui Doit De L'argent Mots Fléchés
